

Image Shortcode

[image url=»» width=»100%» height=»auto» align=»» link=»» link_title=»Visit UDTHEMES» style=»margin-bottom:0;»]




Lightbox Shortcode

[lightbox id=»» media_type=»image» thumbnail_url=»» url=»» link_title=»This is a lightbox title» align=»» width=»100%» height=»auto» style=»margin-bottom:0;»]

This is a Title

This is a caption



Lightbox Shortcode – Vimeo Video

[lightbox media_type=»iframe» thumbnail_url=»» url=»//″ link_title=»This is a lightbox title» width=»100%» height=»auto» align=»none» overlay=»true» style=»margin-bottom:0;»]
And this is a caption.[/lightbox]



Lightbox Shortcode – Youtube Video

[lightbox media_type=»iframe» thumbnail_url=»» url=»//″ link_title=»This is a lightbox title» width=»100%» height=»auto» align=»none» overlay=»true» style=»margin-bottom:0;»]

This is a Title

And this is a caption.[/lightbox]


[divider margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»50px»]


Video Shortcode – Vimeo Video

[vimeo video_id=»58449984″ width=»100%» height=»auto» player_id=»player1″ style=»margin-bottom:0;»]



Video Shortcode – YouTube Video

[youtube video_id=»yAEwO3wDdyM» width=»100%» height=»auto» player_id=»player2″ style=»margin-bottom:0;»]


[divider margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»50px»]

[slider id=»117″ size=»full-size»]

[divider margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»50px»]

Audio Shortcode
SoundCloud Shortcode

[soundcloud url=»» width=» 100%» height=»166″ /]

Google Map Shortcode

[map id=»map_canvas» lat=»40.790278″ long=»-73.959722″ zoom=»15″ marker=»custom» info_title=»Everest New York» info_content=» Tel: +1 55 65 15 45 85 <br> Fax:+1 65 98 56 45 45 <br>NY 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.» width=»100%» height=»350px» style=»float:none;»]

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